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Benefits of vitamin supplements for alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Alcohol abuse can lead to various hematological problems, most commonly anemia. Anemia occurs when your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to its tissues. Alcohol can cause a decrease in the production of red blood cells and lower levels best vitamins for recovering alcoholics of essential vitamins like folic acid, leading to an increased risk of anemia. As you can see, vitamins and minerals are your friends as you recover from your addiction. They can invigorate your mind and help you tackle each day with more tenacity.

  • In this post, we’ll discuss the relationship between alcohol and nutrition, plus 12 of the best supplements and vitamins for alcoholics in recovery.
  • Intermittent fasting means you’ll only eat one or two meals a day, restricting these meals to certain time periods.
  • Foods high in processed sugars, like candy bars, donuts, cakes, or ice cream, tend to offer little in the way of nutritional value while simultaneously triggering the same dopamine release that alcohol does.
  • Heavy drinking makes it harder for your organs to work the way they’re supposed to, especially your stomach lining, pancreas, intestines, and liver.

Long-term alcohol use can cause vitamin A levels to fall in the liver, the primary organ that breaks down alcohol and stores vitamin A. This occurs as both substances use similar pathways in the body to metabolize them. The body requires good nutrition to increase energy levels and maintain bodily processes. People who misuse alcohol can experience a range of symptoms if they abruptly stop drinking. These symptoms can range from mild nausea, headaches, to life threatening seizures. It’s important to note that withdrawing from alcohol can be particularly dangerous, especially if you’ve been drinking heavily for a long period of time.

Vitamins Needed for Recovery From Long-Term Alcohol Abuse

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is particularly important during alcohol withdrawal. Chronic alcohol abuse can deplete thiamine levels in the body, which can lead to a condition called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Supplementing with thiamine can help prevent and treat this condition, as well as support cognitive function and nervous system health.

best vitamins for recovering alcoholics

Incorporating nutritional yeast into your diet is easy, as it makes a great savory topping or a thickener in soups, smoothies, and sauces. Nutritional yeast can replenish B vitamins and keep your body going without much fuss. Inflammation primarily occurs when your body attempts to defend itself from diseases, but alcohol use can also be a source of inflammation. The more alcohol you consume, the more regularly your body is in a state of inflammation, which can cause issues with the liver, brain, intestines, and more. Inflammation can be especially impactful in the intestines, as the harmful components of alcohol can leak from the organ, which becomes weaker as drinking continues.

Q: Is vitamin C excretion impacted by the consumption of alcohol?

I have a medicine cabinet filled with the aforementioned supplements, and it feels good to know that I have them just in case I need them. Benzodiazepines activate a neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), preventing seizures that can arise as fatal complications of withdrawals. I discovered that quality supplements can significantly alleviate withdrawal. It eases inflammation and protects the thin layer that surrounds your brain cells, called the cell membrane. Canola, olive, safflower, sesame, and sunflower oils are good sources of healthy fats.

Replenishing vitamins and nutrients in a body depleted by alcoholism can help boost energy levels and diminish unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, helping greatly with the recovery process. When you’re in recovery from alcohol addiction, nutrition can play a major role in helping your system bounce back. Before we get started, you might be wondering what causes alcohol withdrawal?

Importance of Thiamine for Alcoholics

People who drink alcohol are at higher risk of calcium deficiency, since alcohol interferes with your body’s ability to properly absorb this vital nutrient. Vitamins are perfectly acceptable to help get your body back on track after giving up alcohol. You can opt for a multivitamin or seek out individual supplements that contain omega-3, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. Try to use vitamins as a means to support a healthy diet, not to offset an unhealthy one. It’s also vital to consult your doctor first to make sure your vitamin regime is appropriate and safe for you. When you drink alcohol, it releases a burst of dopamine, serotonin, and other “feel good” chemicals in your brain.

best vitamins for recovering alcoholics

I found relief over time, gradually, and I tried many that did not work. The process was worthwhile because every now and then, I would discover a miracle supplement that would catapult my sense of well-being to new heights. Many people suffer needlessly and even relapse because they do not know about the benefits of even the most rudimentary vitamins for withdrawal. No amount of positive thinking, group therapy, or spiritual guidance can help when the cause of your problem is physiological.

Valerian root is a plant extract that promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety and stress, and improves sleep quality. It can help reduce alcohol cravings by calming the nervous system and reducing stress-related triggers. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for alcohol cravings, supplements can play an essential role in reducing them. Exploring the best supplements for alcohol cravings can help you overcome them and stay on the path to recovery. Vitamin C is found in most fruits and can help repair liver damage and increase glutathione levels. Glutathione is an antioxidant that accelerates liver repair, and vitamin C is essential for maintaining adequate levels.

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